Thursday, May 10, 2012

Music - The way to a woman's heart !

I've closely observed the ways men adopt to woo a woman or ask her out on a date. These days It's a rarity to see the old traditional way of exchanging letters or politely asking someone out for a cup of coffee. Atleast, I think so. But I never thought someone would use Music as a way to get through, until I met - Music Man !

Why Music man ? Hmmm, for starters, I don't see people more often singing out loud in public while taking a walk or passing you by, unless of course, you're an aficionado. So, I met this guy at work, who has been extremely sweet and sensitive towards most of his colleagues. Such a nice trait in such hard times. You sit there and wonder, how on earth are you going to finish all the dump of a work load in front of you and murmur and then hear a voice from the background keeping you going with an old philoophical dialog, probably from Plato, passing through your ears. God ! Was that you ??? No ! It's the tall, hunky, music man trying to serenade you with his witty comebacks. Oh brother ! Really ?

I tried to avoid talking to this guy simply 'cos he didn't fascinate me in anyway and was rather coming across as a show-off, attention seeking jerk. So, how does he start a conversation ? Music ! First, he tries to determine what kind of music you listen to. Second, he starts naming all the commercial and a few unknown bands to catch your attention and then embarass wikipedia by covering their discography in a few minutes. Impressive ! So, with me, the question was about Chris Cornell. Have you heard of this artist called Chris Cornell ? Previously played for Sound Garden and then switched to... Okay ! Wait up ! I know who Chris Cornell is and I've been a fan. "Damn, that didn't work".

Now, he tries to force me into listening to some song about being sad and lonely and still having a good time. Supposedly, his shower favorite. I couldn't decide If I really needed that bit of an info, really, but thanks. Don't get me wrong when I say this about men, I am not trying to be a cold hearted woman, brushing away potential suitors, If potential suitors were to come along. So, music didn't work, lets start with food. Now he asks me If I've tasted Japanese food. Japanese food isn't easily available on Indian streets selling like hot cakes and most of my weekends are spent doing more simple things like perhaps, catching up with a few friends for some beer ? So, Nope ! Nah-uh ! No Japanese food on my menu. So, Bingo ! There you go ! What better way to hit on a chic than ask her out for some Japanese food with subtle hints of going Dutch. I was kinda taken aback for a moment. Here's Mac daddy, who barely knew me for 15 minutes, during a random smoke break and now, the matters drifted to japanese food and asking a girl out with circumlocutory statements.

Finally, what did it was the fact that when I went up to my Team lead to speak about the updates for the day, he, seated on the opposite side of the cubicle, starts singing loudly. What just happened ? Did they plan on entertaining the entire team with some karaoke in the house ? And It's really funny to hear other men around saying, "That boy just loves singing". Soon, Robert Jr wants to comment on this seemingly exciting topic at a mundane work place and joins in by adding, "Oh yeah ! I've always noticed how much he's in love with music". I stood there taking everything in and wanting to just finish with giving my updates for the day and getting the hell out of there. There was no way I was going to taste Japanese anytime soon :D

And now, let's not forget, the man's a good resource to share your new business around. I got a link on my communicator ID to check out some random band stuff started by one of his friends. The true loyal advertising friend. With friends like these, you really don't need publicity and a bill board.

Wow ! Men, those surprising creatures make me wonder sometimes with all the lame tactics they pull off just to get a date. And now, everytime the douchebag looks at you, he waves his hand out. Everybody around now knows, we're friends. We're talking. We're on. He was just trying to be nice, you might say, but I guess my book of lame-ass suitors is full by now and I have gathered enough experience to gauge where things are headed.

Okay guys ! Japanese food and naming old rock'n'roll stars is not going to get you lucky If the chic you're running after has finished her degree in Rock'nRoll. Get inventive. I'm just saying, a decent force-less approach, with that attention seeking attitude kept at minimum might have sounded good for starters. Another element of surprise in my everyday life. By the way, have you heard the Beth Hart version of Sinner's Prayer ? If not, then you gotta check it out. I'm not going to sing it to persuade you, but definitely recommend it for a good listen on a lazy afternoon with some scotch and the mindset to accommodate bluesy rock. We don't have to do Japanese food either, for you to consider it a good recommendation :D

Oh well ! They really try so hard sometimes, don't they? Sigh !

1 comment:

  1. The twisted w0rld will never get y0ur side 0f the twist ;) Indeed the change is inevitable but the w0rld remains the same thr0ugh the gal0re 0f the past.... Precisely y0u are 0dins Child.... :)
