Sunday, June 10, 2012

Birds of the same feather flock together? Maybe Not !

It's been so long since I last wrote. Lots of things have been keeping me busy, as usual and there have been so many things to blog about :D It's a beautiful sunday afternoon, spent home with my folks and some Diana krall in the background. The song I'm listening to is called "Let's fall in love". I love Diana's vocals. And speaking of falling in love, we have two candidates, who would put this song to shame. I think I've introduced you to these two charismatic and youthful personalities, who've left an indelible mark in my memories. I am talking of none other than "The Music man" and "The BFF". Now, that's a match made in heaven. One whines all day and the other sings all day. Just imagine putting these two in the same room. History would recreate itself. It's like a frog in a bottle with a leaf.

So, what's been happening? Following all the rejection music man's been experiencing and all the criticism the "BFF" lady has been facing (I called off all forms of communications with her, God bless me), looks like these two found love (or, maybe not) in a hopeless place. They started hanging out together. So, he talks to her about artists that she's never heard of and probably will never, unless she's drunk, in which case he'd get lucky and he keeps giving her some mature advise on how to sort her life out. Sees like, he'd been asking her about her favorite flowers and favorite places to eat. Which made her day dream about him and view life through rose-tinted glasses. AND... here's my favorite part, It also turned out later that this guy was randomly talking to other women, asking for their favorite flowers and what not. I, on the other hand, ordered KFC at work the other day and since his appetite for food is strong, besides playing Romeo, we ordered together. And guess what ? He asks me for my favorite flower and says whenever I am upset, he'd get me those. So, I said - Okay, I like sunflowers, get me one now. Now, we know how some people talk of travelling the moon, the sun, the stars and milky way, there's no way he could find sun flowers here. So, I started mocking him every time he passed by - Hey, Where are my sun flowers ? I need them, right now. Didn't you say you'd get me those? :P Pardon me, But I love a challenging conversation.

"Goddamn It ! Next time, I'll give them girls choices. Where the heck do I find a Sun flower now ?!"

Apparently, miss Sunshine didn't like the thought of this and was raging with anger. How could a guy turn out to be so true and incredible, then go around saying the same things to other girls? Why couldn't she be the special one ? Why oh Why ? So, she did what she does best. Try talking to me and say, That guy is a jerk. Wow ! Really ? Sorry, I was born today. I didn't know, Miss.

 I really got annoyed of her cluttered conversation that took place between us all the time. I am tired of being stopped when I am heading for a quick smoke break by this girl and being bored to death with talks of how her boyfriend is mistreating her, who she now wants to sleep with to get back at him. I always felt, you need to hear the other person out. But, I didn't know God would test my thoughts by putting me in a situation from where, there's no coming back. So, I had a talk with a few good men (some of my good friends) and their honest advise to me was to be frank and tell her that I do not wanna hear or have anything to do with topics related to her boyfriend. Now, I know we ought to be sensitive towards other people's emotions and feelings, but imagine day in and day out, you get to hear only about one guy in this world, who in short, through the clear logic of your head is a total douchebag, or, atleast that's how she's portrayed him and always discuss her favorite topic - HER !

So, I started avoiding her. Having minimal talks. Just when she starts, I cut her in between and start talking of something else like the weather. I think Its called giving one the taste of their own medicine. She turned out to be clever enough to notice this and ask me the reason why I've been ignoring her. Hmmm, I know I sounded so cold and cunning, but come on, you gotta be honest about what you feel, right ?

 So, I am hoping that this is where the "F" from the "BFF" comes to an end.As far as being honest is concerned, Honesty IS the best policy ;-) (Saved my ass)